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An advanced testing library and test runner for Standard ML, highly inspired by elm-test and Expecto.

This library provides a set of composable functions for writing tests, along with a built-in test runner.


$ git clone https://github.com/PerplexSystems/Railroad.git $YOUR_PROJECT/vendor/Railroad

Then reference vendor/Railroad/sources.mlb on your project’s .mlb file. Example:



val tests =
  describe "math operations"
    [ test "sum 1 + 1" (fn _ =>
        Expect.equal Int.compare 2 (1 + 1))

val _ =
    run tests

Check out the table of contents below for more information:

API Reference


The Test module consists of functions that are involved in creating and managing tests.


val concat: Test list -> Test

Concatenates a list of tests.

concat [ userTests, baggageTests ]


val describe: string -> Test list -> Test

Describes a list of tests.

describe "math operators"
  [ test "sum" (fn _ =>
      Expect.equal Int.compare 2 (1 + 1))
  , test "failing sum" (fn _ =>
      Expect.equal Int.compare 3 (2 + 3))


val focus: Test -> Test

Returns a Test that causes other tests to be skipped, and only runs the given one.

Calls to focus aren’t meant to be committed to version control. Instead, use them when you want to focus on getting a particular subset of your tests to pass. If you use focus, your entire test suite will fail, even if each of the individual tests pass. This is to help avoid accidentally committing a focus to version control.

If you you use focus on multiple tests, only those tests will run. If you put a focus inside another focus, only the outermost only will affect which tests gets run.

See also skip. Note that skip takes precedence over focus; if you use a skip inside a focus, it will still get skipped, and if you use a focus inside a skip, it will also get skipped.

describe "math operators"
  [ test "sum" (fn _ =>
      Expect.equal Int.compare 2 (1 + 1))
  , focus (test "this is the only test that will run" (fn _ =>
      Expect.equal Int.compare 3 (2 + 3)))




val skip: Test -> Test

Returns a Test that gets skipped.

Calls to skip aren’t meant to be committed to version control. Instead, use it when you want to focus on getting a particular subset of your tests to pass. If you use skip, your entire test suite will fail, even if each of the individual tests pass. This is to help avoid accidentally committing a skip to version control.

See also focus. Note that skip takes precedence over focus; if you use a skip inside a focus, it will still get skipped, and if you use a focus inside a skip, it will also get skipped.

describe "math operators"
  [ test "this test will be the only one to run" (fn _ =>
      Expect.equal Int.compare 2 (1 + 1))
  , skip (test "this test is skipped" (fn _ =>
      Expect.equal Int.compare 3 (2 + 3)))


val test: string -> (unit -> Expectation) -> Test

Return a Test that evaluates a single Expectation.

test "sum" (fn _ => Expect.equal Int.compare 2 (1 + 1))


The Expect module consists of assertion functions that describes a claim to be tested.


type 'a actual = 'a

Represents the actual value passed to an assertion function.


type 'a expected = 'a

Represents the expected value passed to an assertion function.


type 'a comparer = ('a expected * 'a actual) -> General.order

Represents a function that compares the expected against the actual value.


type 'a tostring = 'a -> string

Represents a function that converts the given value to a string.


val pass: Expectation

Always passes.

test "this sum is always two" (fn _ =>
  if (1 + 1) = 2 then
    Expect.fail "man, something is up...")


val fail: string -> Expectation

Always fails.

test "this sum is always two" (fn _ =>
  if (1 + 1) = 2 then
    Expect.fail "man, something is up...")


val onfail: string -> Expectation -> Expectation

If the given expectation fails, replace its failure message with a custom one.

test "sum" (fn _ =>
    "this shouldn't be failing" 
    (Expect.equal Int.compare 4 (2 + 2)))


val istrue: bool actual -> Expectation

Passes if the provided value is true.

Expect.istrue (2 > 1)


val isfalse: bool actual -> Expectation

Passes if the provided value is false.

Expect.istrue (2 < 1)


val some: 'a option actual -> Expectation

Passes if the provided value is SOME.

val value = SOME 1
Expect.some value


val none: 'a option actual -> Expectation

Passes if the provided value is NONE.

val value = NONE
Expect.none value


val equal: 'a comparer -> 'a expected -> 'a actual -> Expectation

Passes if the arguments are equal.

Expect.equal Int.compare 2 (1 + 1)


val equalfmt: 'a comparer -> 'a tostring -> 'a expected -> 'a actual -> Expectation

Passes if the arguments are equal, but receives a tostring that encapsulates the values on the Expectation.

Expect.equalfmt Int.compare Int.toString 2 (1 + 1)


val notequal: 'a comparer -> 'a expected -> 'a actual -> Expectation

Passes if the arguments are not equal.

Expect.notequal Int.compare 3 (1 + 1)


val notequalfmt: 'a comparer -> 'a tostring -> 'a expected -> 'a actual -> Expectation

Passes if the arguments are not equal, but receives a tostring that encapsulates the values on the Expectation.

Expect.equalfmt Int.compare Int.toString 2 (1 + 1)


val atmost: 'a comparer -> 'a expected -> 'a actual -> Expectation

Passes if the provide value is less or equal than the expected value.

Expect.atmost Int.compare 3 2
Expect.atmost Int.compare 2 2


val atmostfmt: 'a comparer -> 'a tostring-> 'a expected-> 'a actual-> Expectation

Passes if the provided value is less or equal than the expeted value, but receives a tostring that encapsulates the values on the Expectation.

Expect.atmost Int.compare Int.toString 3 2
Expect.atmost Int.compare Int.toString 2 2


val atleast: 'a comparer -> 'a expected -> 'a actual -> Expectation

Passes if the provide value is greater or equal than the expected value.

Expect.atmost Int.compare 3 4
Expect.atmost Int.compare 3 3


val atleastfmt: 'a comparer -> 'a tostring -> 'a expected -> 'a actual -> Expectation

Passes if the provided value is greater or equal than the expeted value, but receives a tostring that encapsulates the values on the Expectation.

Expect.atmost Int.compare Int.toString 3 4
Expect.atmost Int.compare Int.toString 3 3


val less: 'a comparer -> 'a expected -> 'a actual -> Expectation

Passes if the provided value is less than the expected value.

Expect.notequal Int.compare 3 (1 + 1)


val lessfmt: 'a comparer -> 'a tostring -> 'a expected -> 'a actual -> Expectation

Passes if the provided value is less than the expeted value, but receives a tostring that encapsulates the values on the Expectation.

Expect.atmost Int.compare Int.toString 3 2


val greater: 'a comparer -> 'a expected -> 'a actual -> Expectation

Passes if the provided value is greater than the expected value.

Expect.notequal Int.compare 3 4


val greaterfmt: 'a comparer -> 'a tostring -> 'a expected -> 'a actual -> Expectation

Passes if the provided value is greater than the expeted value, but receives a tostring that encapsulates the values on the Expectation.

Expect.atmost Int.compare Int.toString 3 4


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